Kissing Rocks. The hike through Willow Gulch is a fairly easy hike - the only caution being that there is a lot of poison ivy, which is generally a good idea to avoid. At one point, the canyon walls close in and almost touch overhead - the ranger informed me that this is known as the Kissing Rocks - obviously someone was lonely.
Broken Bow Arch. This is one of the better known landmarks in Willow Gulch. I was there in April, and all the vegetation was coming alive after a winter's rest.
40 Mile Falls. For my return trip, I turned off into 40 Mile Gulch, which intercepts Willow Gulch from the west. 40 Mile Gulch is much narrower and wetter than Willow Gulch - in places I was more than waist deep in water - fortunately it wasn't too cold. This is a fun canyon to hike, as long as one doesn't mind getting wet - again watch out for poison ivy.

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